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Dinner At The Florida HouseLast week while in Washington, we visited the President Woodrow Wilson home before having dinner at the Florida House. I have a personal interest in Wilson, because he lived here in Wilmington from 1874-1882, when his father was minister at First Presbyterian Church on Third Street. There is a historical highway marker for Wilson on the corner of Third and Orange Streets beside the church. There is a large bronze tablet to him in the vestibule of First Presbyterian Church. After his stroke and leaving the Presidency, Wilson and his wife Edith moved to this large home on S Street in NW Washington. He is the only President who lived in DC after his term ended and the only one buried within the District. Wilson died in 1924, but his wife lived in this home until her death in 1961.

The Florida House is a lovely and much smaller home turned museum. It is within view of the Capitol and open to Floridians only. Florida is the only state with an Embassy.
Woodrow Wilson House

President Woodrow Wilson House

Florida House
Florida House