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Whew! Wasn’t state conference fun?! What a busy time. Ten workshops for our members and all well-attended. Thank you for becoming better informed. It proves you want to do a good job in whatever position you are holding or stepping into for your chapter, district, or our state.

President General Dillon and NC State Regent Weiss

President General Dillon and State Regent Weiss

Members were given a lovely and informative Conference Program created by Terri Burns and Lisa Wooten. Mrs. Dillon was a delight, as were our visiting state regents. I hope you were able to visit with them. Beverly Przybylski made Parliamentary Procedure fun and informative. Penny Renwick has such an interesting DAR bottle collection. Mary Love Stringfield Sloan told us about our first state conference and first elected state regent, Mary Love Stringfield. Robynn Rutledge gave us numerous ideas for tying scarves and Peggy Troxell told us lots about the NC Gibson Chapel. Janet Westbrook, Rosie Craig, Susan Waldkirch, Donna Rhyne, Anne Hobbs, and Jane Hogan gave great ideas and information on their topics to help chapter and district officers and chairs. District III Daughters did a fabulous job of decorating and hosting under Susan Waldkirch’s direction. Suzanne Bartels and Kay Dignan are to be congratulated for a fine job planning and executing this complicated event. Our online registration helped streamline the registration and credentials process for Susan Waldkirch and Deborah Henderson. Perry Van Dyke and her Hospitality Committee did outstanding hosting, chauffeuring, and hospitality work all weekend until late Sunday afternoon. Amy Darden and our Pages were absolutely indispensable. Linda Sechrist had really good vendors we hope to see again. Terry Ward and her sales team were kept busy with state regent project sales. Gina Abernethy and her committee handled the mammoth Teacup Auction with great patience. Thank you for shopping with us! Robin Meyer entertained us with her Resolution on Sunday. Luann Nelson and Dot Freeman provided our lovely music and the Liberty Belles were again wonderful. The Over the Mountain Men delighted us and enlightened us on the men and the importance of the Battle of Kings Mountain. Our scholarship recipients were outstanding and your deeds in your communities and chapters gave us all renewed energy and faith in our future. Thank you to all who made the conference possible!