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Image credit: Elizabeth Maxwell Steele Chapter

Driving from Raleigh to Salisbury proved to be an adventure on December 12th. Snow was piled up on the medians and roadsides: fortunately the highway itself was clear. Exiting was not an option in most areas. Other than dodging sheets of ice and snow flying off of vehicles, the trip there and back was uneventful. What little traffic there was in historic downtown Salisbury slowly crept through the streets of slush. Cars parked next to and between piles of snow. The Elizabeth Maxwell Steele Chapter, Sandy Czuba Regent, is the second oldest chapter in NC. In the beauty and warmth of the historic Rowan Museum, we celebrated their 120 years of DAR heritage with a Recorder Ensemble, a delicious tea, and a new member induction! The Mayor revealed that her introduction to DAR came when she was selected as her high school’s DAR Good Citizen, proving again that what we do does make a difference in people’s lives and that this program is successful in finding those who will make a difference in our world. How fortunate this chapter is to have a large, furnished room on the first floor of the Rowan County Museum where they store chapter memorabilia, records, and teach the public about their chapter’s namesake and the DAR. They even held their meetings in this room before they grew so large! How I wish that all our chapters could have a room of their own in their local museum to do the same. So we congratulate the Elizabeth Maxwell Steele Chapter on this noteworthy achievement, their own local history room, and their dedication. They are truly tying the past to the present as their gift to the future of their community.