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Jan 12

I attended the funeral of Judy Vick’s husband, John C. Vick. This celebration of worship and thanksgiving for the life of John was held in the Youth Fellowship building of the Hampstead United Methodist Church due to major Hurricane Florence damage to the sanctuary. John spoke to our chapter many years ago and I still remember some of his amusing anecdotes. Born in Arizona, he was appointed to the naval academy in Baltimore by Senator Barry Goldwater and graduated in 1958 near the top of his class. He served aboard several of our ships, went to submarine school, and served in many positions. His last post in the military was as Head, Submarine Manpower and Training Division, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations.

John and Judy were married 59 years. They have children, grandchildren, and great children. The minister spoke of commitment to family and to country, saying every medal was shared by John’s wife. Judy said he was gone sometimes six months at a time. One of his granddaughters read the poem “Crossing the Bar.” Special music was the Navy Hymn “Eternal Father, Strong to Save.” A young female naval cadet played Taps and the US Flag was presented to Judy. It was a special service for a special man and his family. We thank Judy and Captain John C. Vick for their service to our country.