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Well, Ladies. It’s been a strange day. The doorbell rang in the early evening. A delivery man presented me with a lovely blooming orchid. Listed as one of the Vice Regent’s duties, she is to purchase an orchid corsage for the state regent to wear during Continental Congress. I had not even thought about it this year. The card read, “It’s not a corsage, but I promise it will last longer! Anna Choi” I laughed out loud. Nothing keeps a DAR from performing her duties.

I logged in to watch the opening of our 129th Continental Congress and was brought to tears seeing the photos of our empty buildings—the library, the hallways, Constitution Hall–all usually filled with busy people—now so empty and sad. Once the music started and multiple flag drops were shown in a crowded Hall, I felt better and surprisingly even had chills, like always. Seeing the still shots of seats filled with Daughters helped. It was all so familiar.

Our President General with her broadcast experience did a wonderful job of presiding, comforting, and inspiring. Mrs. VanBuren showed us the dark empty Hall, seats and carpeting removed, as she stood on the stage all alone, construction sheeting in front of the platform, things piled up around the sides. Our lovely Hall is undergoing extensive renovations through your generosity, our gift to future generations of Daughters! She astutely remarked that even though we weren’t at Constitution Hall experiencing the thrill of pomp and pageantry, the spirit of a Daughter lives within her. I hope you will remember this and it will help you through this pandemic.

I watched the count of viewers, beginning at 3,800 and climbing to over 5,100! It was wonderful to see so many tuning in. Media and Entertainment Award winner Henry Louis Gates, Jr. shared this insight: we all carry genes from all our ancestors and each of us is a walking family tree. That is food for thought!

I hope you will join the events and the evening sessions in the coming days. Friday evening will be our recorded state reports and they will be presented in the order in which we ratified the Constitution. So my report is 12th. Don’t miss it, because this is when I get to brag on you!

I checked my email when the session ended and found a message from State Corresponding Secretary Susan Hines, sending “Greetings from Raleigh,” along with this photo. So glad some of you viewed the session with each other! Nothing stops a DAR!