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In November I received two messages and a photo I would like to share with you. It shows commitment and caring. Thank you, Ann!

I know that October has come and gone but I did manage to make 19 masks of various styles and fabrics and go by the grocery store and get some snacks and coffee for the Southeast Patrol Division of the Wilmington Police Department. I did not include any homemade goodies so everything was safely packaged by Harris Teeter. I included the attached certificate and explained about not getting these things to them on October 11 since I only found out about the need for masks on Oct. 9. Hazel, the secretary at the station who is in the photo, was very gracious and appreciative. She wanted me to thank everyone in the Stamp Defiance Chapter and Ms. Weiss, since Carole’s name is on the certificate. Please consider yourselves “thanked”.

This felt very good!

Later, Ann P.

A funny thing happened after the meeting today. Our doorbell rang this afternoon and it was a policeman at the door. Beyond the policeman was a red pickup truck wrecked in the ditch in front of our house. We didn’t hear a wreck or anything last night so we don’t know when it happened. There was no one in the truck and the policeman said that if it was not moved by Monday to call 911 and they would have it removed. The address for the truck was out of town but it could be a college student. The policeman had not been able to get in touch with the owner.

I took this opportunity to find out what we could do for the police. This policeman was from the station that is near the intersection of College Road and Shipyard Blvd across the street from the shopping center with the Harris Teeter. He said that they could always use cans of coffee and packaged snacks. He also said that they were in desperate need of masks. I’ll get out my mask supplies and make a few masks but I can’t start on them until the 19th.

Just thought I’d pass this along.

Later, Ann P.

My reply to her:

Thank you, Ann. You took advantage of an opportunity to serve this group!!

It doesn’t matter that it didn’t happen on Oct 11…what matters is that it happened!

Daughters, remember to take advantage of opportunities that come your way so you might serve those who serve us. Keep the Holiday Spirit all year long. You will profit this in many ways. Tying the past to the present is our gift to the future.