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On the road again! And in the skies again!

Hillside SchoolReturning home on Sunday afternoon, I packed and flew to Boston for the Hillside School visit on Tuesday. What a great school this is. The dedicated staff is truly appreciated for all they do for the students. There were many plaques and appreciative remarks about our DAR gifts and grants. The farm was especially entertaining and it was a delight to see the boys enjoying this work. We also visited the Village Green in Lexington and the Old North Bridge in Concord, where Mrs. Dillon laid wreaths. The Manse there in Concord provided a haven for many famous authors. If you have the opportunity, please visit these places.

Arriving home on Friday evening, I left Saturday morning for a luncheon with the Major Benjamin May Chapter in Farmville at their lovely chapter house. Several new members were inducted and new officers installed. Vice Regent Anna Choi joined me there as well as Elizabeth Browning Brooks’ beautiful toddler!

After meeting with State Parliamentarian Gwen Causey on Monday, I left early Tuesday morning for High Point to tour Gloria Halstead’s historic home with the Alexander Martin Chapter members. We enjoyed a delicious lunch in the dining room, on the veranda, and in the garden. What a lovely setting for a meeting and lunch.

Waightstill AveryThen on to Asheville to Elizabeth Graham’s B&B and to install officers for the Waightstill Avery Chapter that evening. HODARS were present and helpful with the scrumptious dinner. Rising early and driving to Goldsboro wasn’t easy, but I joined the David Williams Chapter for another delightful lunch and to install their new officers.

One night at home and back on the road to join the Liberty Point Chapter meeting in Fayetteville the following evening. Jane Barbot and Larry Hines presented Ginny Powers with the new Service to Veterans Medals and I was honored to present Eleanore Getz her Honorary Regent Pin. After installing their new officers and having our photo made with their new member, I spent the night with my sister. I again rose early and headed home to re-pack and meet with Terry Ward, State Regents’ Sales Chair. Leaving Wilmington, I drove to Mooresville to dine with some of the Mary Slocumb Chapter members and State Registrar Donna Rhyne at Anne Hobbs’ B&B!

Saturday morning, we drove to Denver for the Vesuvius Furnace Chapter awards program, reception, and meeting. What a delight to see such enthusiastic Daughters. Under the skillful guidance of Organizing Secretary Anne Hobbs and Regent Jennifer Baker this chapter is flourishing and making connections with their historic community.

Centre Presbyterian ChurchLeaving them we drove back to Mooresville and joined the Mary Slocumb Chapter members for Tea at the historic Centre Presbyterian Church to celebrate their 115th Anniversary! What an achievement. We were thrilled to see the 1913 plaque listing the men of this congregation who took part in the Revolution. The chapter has their original charter too!

Sunday, I bid farewell to Anne, her husband and son, and their two dogs and three cats, thankful for their generous hospitality. Arriving in Seneca at the hotel, Robynn Rutledge joined me for our Tamassee 100th Anniversary Celebration the next day. What a lovely day with the children and the two young ladies who are graduating.

Arriving home, I discovered a tire was leaking air. Driving 1800 miles put two nails in two of my tires, but it was certainly a wonderful DAR week.