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Joseph Montfort Chapter, with front row (l-r) Lynda Moore, Donna Carlson, me, and Debby Marsh

On March 23rd, I drove to Jacksonville to join the Joseph Montfort Chapter and celebrate their 75th Anniversary. Members wore hats and gloves and everyone was smiling behind their masks. Welcoming me at the Country Club doors were Vice Regents Lynda Moore and Debby Marsh. I distributed personal heritage pins and chatted with many members and a prospective member before the meeting started. Associate member Amanda Boyette and her mother Judy Cox came to celebrate too. Regent Donna Carlson placed a wrist corsage on me before calling the meeting to order. I installed their new Chaplain Pam Bell, inducted their new member Jane Fugate, and brought greetings.

After my greetings, Lynda Moore then presented me with a gift of a huge 75th Anniversary diamond! Besides electing Continental Congress delegates, they discussed a new conservation and community service project. So, it was business as usual! Hallelujah! After adjournment, we took pictures of the entire group and Debby Marsh honored each chapter member with a 75th Anniversary certificate. We enjoyed our lunches and then Debby cut the anniversary cake. Everyone enjoyed being together and having life as normal— celebrating a 75th Chapter Anniversary. Congratulations to the Joseph Montfort Chapter.