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On August 1st, I attended the Dedication of the Veterans Life Center and ribbon cutting in Butner. After having our temperature taken, we received a name tag, signed in, and were seated under one of two large tents with chairs separated six feet from each other. There were masks available for anyone who needed one, courtesy of several of our DAR chapters. Only two other DAR members were there: Angie Waldorf and Lisa Wooten. VLC Board Chairman Colonel David Hayden was the Master of Ceremonies and his humor in spite of the heat and the masks was welcoming.

Brigadier General James Gorham recognized distinguished guests among the many contributors there, including your state regent and Angie Waldorf who has been instrumental in personally funding the beautiful stained-glass window in the chapel, among other contributions. Angie is responsible for bringing this project to my attention two years ago when it was only a paper dream backed by millions in grants. We are grateful to Angie for connecting us with the VLC. Butner Mayor Terry Turner led us in the Pledge. Former NC House of Representatives Marilyn Avila gave an inspiring invocation, which was followed by remarks from Governor Roy Cooper’s representative, NC native US Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie, Jr., US Senator Thom Tillis, and finally the Founder of the VLC John Turner.

All spoke eloquently about their involvement in the funding of the VLC and why it is needed. Mike Lord, CEO of the State Employees Credit Union then presented a million-dollar check to John Turner. The distinguished speakers then assembled and John quickly cut the ribbon to allow the VLC Staff to enter first and start work!

I kept thinking how much you would have enjoyed this ceremony and what a difference it would have made in so many lives, if only the VLC had existed forty-five years ago. Please find additional photos from the event below and if you wish to view the Dedication you can click on this: